My company held its Dinner and Dance at the Suntec City Convention Centre this year, and yours truly, is the Committee Head this year.
I am glad it was a huge success!
Suntec City made several huge live-size direction boards so our employees won't get lost.
This was where we held our event
We had 2 VIP tables for senior management and guests.
This is where I sit.
Some pics of the hall
Shawn, Sharan and myself.
My two capable committee members!
Rashida and I
Lucky Draw Coupons
Employees mingling before the doors opened.
Kiran and Geraldine handling reception
One of Sam's invited guests with Lisel.
Lisel and Zaidah
Ben and Lynn
Lynn, Daniel, me, Jerry
The tables started filling up
Mabir, the funnyman, was our Emcee for the night!
Sam, my CEO, started the event by giving an overview of the year 2009
Everyone listened attentively.
Sam's opening speech was followed by a video montage of pictures of all the key events of 2009.
Then it was the presentation of awards to our Top Performers of 2009, as well as the Long Service Awards.
The Mabir made Sam officiate the event by popping a party firecracker.
After all the formalities, the fun began!
First up, the drag queens, the Tiaras, performed a number for us!
Some of the food
Me with the Tiaras. How come I felt like I was in Bangkok, post Mambo show? LOL!
Yuki, Albert, Yenny and I.
Prue, Patrick and I
Ella and I
Mabir, playing some games with us.
Joan, dancing to Alex To's 脱掉
Albert eventually won the title of "the hottest guy" in my company.
Alysson, a quarter of the Tiaras, won the title of "the hottest lady" in my company.
Amber, giving her all, during the competition.
Lucky Draw
Back to games
Mabir demonstrating the "MTV" steps.
Sharon doing a Bollywood dance. Sharan is really the most gorgeous lady in my company now.
The Tiaras with their second and final number.
The Tiaras with their second and final number.
The DND ended around 11pm, but the party just started for some of us. Haha.
Sam brought about 10 of us to Balaclava (conveniently located within Suntec) for drinks!
Ben, Daniel, Mae and Wenlin
Wenlin and Joan
After finishing about 2 bottles of Whiskey in one hour, they decided to call it a day.
Valiant and I then proceeded to Eskibar at Boat Quay to join some of my staffs.

Christina and Yuki
Taking a group pic before we left.
Got many compliments that the DND was great.
What matters to me most was that everyone enjoyed themselves! CHEERS!