Brought my dearest friend Irene to Rama Thai Sharksfin Restaurant for her birthday treat.
We went there full of anticipation for good food, but it turned out to be a disappointing visit.
Achar, pretty good, better than usual.

Thai Coconut

Chilli Padi

We ordered one sharksfin each, the price range from $19 to $59 per bowl.
I ordered the $49 per bowl one, as recommended by the Captain.
Turns out, the sharksfin isn't really that delicious.
Very "gelared" by the time you finish half a bowl.
I still prefer the sharksfin served in Chinese Restaurants....

Vermicelli with King Prawns - So so, forgetable.

Pork Ribs - Bad. The ones served in Tza Char stores, any Tze Char store in fact, are better.

Broccoli with Scallops. Well, you cannot go wrong with this dish since its just stir fried.

The bill came to about $150. Not worth it at all.
Would not recommend this restaurant to my friends.
Food not up to expectations, sharksfin's a HUGE disappointment!