I can't really busk in this year's Christmas season at all as my in-camp training lasted all the way til 21 Dec. By then, I was frantically searching for presents for my loved ones and some friends.
Gifts like this are heart-warming as it tells u that the person was thinking about u when he was buying it.
This year I will be celebrating with Yun, Jason, Jie, Jay, Irene, Joshua and most prob Q, Dong and the rest ba.
To me since I drink so often n make merry so often, I do not really find Christmas special anymore.
I miss last time when I go for carolling, eat turkey, hold candles, sing Silent Night. Those were memorable days with Berean, and those are what i really call Chrsitmas.
Christmas IS really about Christ (Jesus) and not about merry making, Santa Claus or the Christmas lightings in Orchard.
Well, I guess Christmas is a time of catching up with old friends and meeting new friends too.
I wish everyone a
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