12 July 2008

Cell Phone Popcorn Hoax Revealed

If you have watched the videos of the cell phone popcorn lately, you will know what I am talking about.

Its where a group of 4 would put some pop corns in the centre of 4 mobile phones, then they will call their own phones so their phones will ring, and voila, POP CORNS.

However, when all of us were wondering how this could actually happen, CNN broke the news yesterday that it was a hoax.

It was an internet marketing gimmick for the launch of a new Bluetooth headset. In short Viral Advertising.

Watch the video here for the full revelation.

2 Macro Voice(s):

eneres said...

yeah i saw this on newspaper today... http://simply-me-simplicity.blogspot.com/2008/07/youtube-popcorn-hoax.html

Marc said...

Ya lo, lucky its a hoax after all, or I might want to stop using cell phones!

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