21 July 2009

Book Shelf

Needed a book shelf for all my textbooks and files, so sis accompanied me to Giant to get one.

It costs $50, plus I paid additional delivery charges of $15, since I didn't want to lug it all the way home in a taxi!
So cumbersome!

Pretty cheap since its a 4-tier book shelf, and has covers at the bottom tier.

The only con is that its a DIY shelf, and me being a very Un-DIY person, I took 1 freaking hour to fix up the shelf.

No regrets, since my books and files are so much more organized now!

(By the time I end my course, 3/4 of the shelf should be filled with books!)

1 Macro Voice(s):

eneres said...

Looks cool.. glad it works for you thou you had a hard time meddling it hehe

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