Counted down to Christmas privately, at Orchid Country Club, with Esther, Jay, Steven, Wallace, Kris, Kelvin, Q, Jenny and a few of their friends.
Most of us didn't stay overnight, so we left the room to Steven and Kris...
The rooms here are pretty well equipped and well stocked, feels like a hotel room.
Esther got a new camera for her birthday, so she couldn't stop taking pictures, like me.
Nice furnishings
Look out of the balcony, and you will see the golf course.
Our beloved Esther prepared food...
Look at this prawn salad.... yummy...
This is one of my all time favourite Bee Hoon. (Serene will know why...)
I ate a lot that day... too bad, Steven accidentally spilled half the bee hoon while transporting the bee hoon from Esther's place to the club....
Kris bought nice red and green plastic forks and spoons, to go with the Christmas theme.
Curry Chicken by Esther too
This dry Mee Siam is from Kris, no, she didn't cook it, she brought or bought it from her office.
The presents corner
I feel like a kid, with all these party packs and poppers...
We try to add some Chrismas touch to the room, we tried.
Steven and Kris, with Wallace. Happy Family.
Jay and Esther, with Wallace. Happy Family.
Kria, Esther and myself, with Wallace. Happy.
We took a 3X shot with the self-timer
Waiting for the others to come
More presents...
Using the Tepanyaki to heat our Curry Chicken up.
Kelvin brought 3 bottles of really good champagne, one of them was Moet and Chandon, we were just short of Dom Perignon... LOL....
We tucked into the cooked food first, before we start our Tepanyaki BBQ...
This combination is always GREAT! I am salivating even as I am writing this post!
How come it feels like Chinese New Year all of a sudden? Hello people, its Christmas!
We are talking about BEER and STOUT drinkers here...
When this happens, I will miss Eddie and Jason...
Where there is beer and gambling, you can count on Q to turn up! Haha...
The poor Wallace getting really bored.
Well, he will be in the limelight when clock strikes, so bear with it ya?
No, she is not tired, Kris was a little tipsy. I guess it must have been the mix of alcohol.
Champagne, wine, beer, yeah, just thinking about it makes me tipsy too...
And these guys?
No, they were not tipsy, nor tired, they were just plain ITCHY for Massage, by our very own Massage Therapist, trained in a wide range of Massage Technigues...
Too bad, she didn't respond to these 3 men...
Whats Christmas without a log cake?
Whats Christmas without a log cake?
We got ours from Bengawan Solo.
Everyone were just hanging around, chatting, waiting for the moment....
Some taking pictures..

Some posing for pictures...

Some enjoying a massage... Jenny, the massage therapist finally agreed to massage them.

Jay, enjoying a massage, minutes before the countdown!

Party packs

All dressed up...

Almost midnight, channel 8 was showing the "Taiwan Long Juan Feng"...
Kris, catching up with an old friend.
Party poppers!

3, 2, 1.... Merry Christmas!!!!!

It can still be a lot of fun, if you countdown with a bunch of close friends....

A group picture

Wallace announced he had a present for everyone of us....
All of us also had a present for Wallace each.... and really good presents!!!

See, Wallace's present, nicely wrapped...
One of his presents, an Adidas sling bag!

I got this present from the gift exchange.
(This is the box where I left my chocolate in!!!
Esther received this.

Kelvin received this, a massage..... Haha

Jay and Esther taking a breather, before they departed.
Some posing for pictures...
Some enjoying a massage... Jenny, the massage therapist finally agreed to massage them.
Jay, enjoying a massage, minutes before the countdown!
Party packs
All dressed up...
Almost midnight, channel 8 was showing the "Taiwan Long Juan Feng"...
Anti Climax!
Kris, catching up with an old friend.
Party poppers!
3, 2, 1.... Merry Christmas!!!!!
It can still be a lot of fun, if you countdown with a bunch of close friends....
A group picture
Wallace announced he had a present for everyone of us....
A check with Esther, he had forked out his own money, to buy these chocolates for us...
(OMG! As I was writing this, I realised that the chocolate is still in the gift box since Christmas!!!!! Luckily, no ants!!!!)
(OMG! As I was writing this, I realised that the chocolate is still in the gift box since Christmas!!!!! Luckily, no ants!!!!)
All of us also had a present for Wallace each.... and really good presents!!!
See, Wallace's present, nicely wrapped...
One of his presents, an Adidas sling bag!
I got this present from the gift exchange.
A nice facial set from The Face Shop...
(This is the box where I left my chocolate in!!!
Luckily I remembered, I cannot imagine if its just left in the box for months!!!)
Esther received this.
Kelvin received this, a massage..... Haha
Jay and Esther taking a breather, before they departed.
They were heading to Malacca that day....
Wallace, playing with one of his presents. A pool table.

Although its small, its still pretty entertaining!

Will Wallace grow up to be a pro pool player like his mummy?
Jenny, amused with the small-sized Pool Table.
Although its small, its still pretty entertaining!
Will Wallace grow up to be a pro pool player like his mummy?
His mummy has won several pool championships ok, don't play play!
Shortly after, Jay and Esther left, and Jenny and I decided to call it a day too.
I guess we were really tired from the fooling around, the mixed alcohol, the heat from the Tepanyaki, etc....
I just hope Christmas can be a private affair like this every year....