28 June 2009

Work and Study = TOUGH!

Took up a Part-time Marketing degree last year around September, and never looked back ever since.

Sometimes I ask myself, what have I gotten myself into, because I find it really tough juggling between work and studies. The hectic course schedule does not make things any better as well.

This semester I am concurrently taking 3 modules, and my lessons are packed at 3-4 times per week.

1.5 years more, and I will be done with this course.

I just have to keep telling myself "I CAN DO IT"!

Some random photos during my preparation for my exams 3 weeks back.

Notes...... When I write, I tend to remember the concepts better.

10.51pm, and I was still mugging for the exam the next day.

Well, they say Essence of Chicken helps improve memory, so just drink lor.

Results for my last 2 exams will be out 10 July, pray for me!

0 Macro Voice(s):

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