My results for my last semester is out!
I got A, B, B for my three exams. Relieved!
I am off to my first driving lessons now, after my gym, and going to George's birthday party thereafter. A packed weekend!
31 October 2009
Results Out!
Penned by Marc on Saturday, October 31, 2009 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: celebration, school
29 October 2009
Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew wins Lifetime Achievement Award
Singapore is so fortunate to have Mr Lee Kuan Yew helming the nation. He is so well respected by Top-notch leaders from United States....
"Our trading relationship with Asean suports millions of American jobs and helps nurture the industries and opportunities of tomorrow. It is fitting that His Excellency Lee Kuan Yew will be honoured on the (US-Asean Business) Council's 25th anniversary.
"As Prime Minister of Singapore from 1965 to 1990, and through his current service as Minister Mentor, Mr Lee has been a central figure in the evolution of Asean. He has also been a constructive partner with the US in efforts to promote economic growth."
US President Barack Obama
"MM Lee's life of public service is both unique and remarkable. As Prime Minister of Singapore for more than three decades, he has been a key figure in the growth and evolution of Asean.
"His work as Prime Minister and now as Minister Mentor has helped literally millions of people in Singapore and all across South-east Asia to live better, more prosperous lives.
"I hope the leaders of Asean will continue to build upon Mr Lee Kuan Yew's outstanding legacy. I send you again my heartfelt congratulations, I thank you for honouring a man I admire so very much."
Ex-president Bill Clinton
"I first met Mr Lee Kuan Yew in 1981. Over the years, he's continued to be a trusted and important friend and ally to the United States. All of us who have worked with him have benefited from his wisdom, insights and dedication.
"Few have done so much for their country or are as deserving of recognition for lifetime service to his country and the South-east Asian region as Mr Lee. His leadership was instrumental in Singapore becoming the thriving prosperous nation it is today.
"He was visionary in recognising the need for regional architecture and he helped Asean become a force for peace and aconomic cooperation that has helped millions of people in South-east Asia raise their standards of living."
Ex-president George H.W. Bush
"He's a great man, and great leaders bridge the gap between the experience of their society and their vision...He has become a seminal figure for all of us.
"I've not learned as much from anybody as I have from Mr Lee Kuan Yew. He made himself an indispensable friend of the United States, not primarily by the power he represented but by the quality of his thinking."
"Over 40 years, when Mr Lee Kuan Yew comes to Washington, he gets to see an array of people that almost no foreign leader gets to see in such a grouping and in a mode which is unique, because he does not come as a supplicant He comes as a comrade, in common efforts, from whom we can learn, who can tell us about the nature of the world that we face. He gives us insights into the thinking of his region.
"And that is the most important challenge we face in the long term in this country - how to build a kind of fundamental and organice relationship with Asia. We have to learn to deal with Asia, not by the patterns of the Cold War, but in a way that various arms of Asia, including China, build an organic relationship across the Pacific. There is nobody who can teach us more about this than the MM."
Dr Kissinger, 86, former secretary of state and Nobel Peace Prize winner
"Not long after I took office as Secretary of State, maybe two or three weeks, I had invited (then Chancellor of West Germany) Helmut Schmidt to come to a gathering.
"At the same gathering, my great friend Henry Kissinger had invited (then) Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, our mutual friend, to come. We had the weekend and afterwards on Sunday, we went down to my house on the Standford campus and the four of us sat around the kitchen table: Helmut Schmidt, Lee Kuan Yew, Henry Kissinger and me for about three hours. Finally our wives came in and said, 'We're going to get lunch, you got to get out of here.''
But it was an intense discussion among that group. Can you imagine a seminar where a new secretary of state is sitting around for three hours listening to Kissinger, Schmidt and Lee Kuan Yew?
"Man, that was education."
"So (MM Lee), you have taught all of us a tremendous amount by what you've done, what you've said, the way you meant it when you say something, and I thank you."
Dr Shultz, 89, former secretary of state (1982-1989).
"(MM Lee) has demonstrated not only the power of his intellect but the strength of leadership at a scale that is truly of historic proportions.
"So I would ask you to join me in a toast to His Excellency, whose mark has been made on the evolution of South-east Asia in a way that is perhaps unsurpassed by any other individual, whose power of intellect and strength of his leadership will be long remembered in our history."
Senator Jim Webb, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations' subcommittee on East Asia and Pacific Affairs
"Thanks for coming and spending so much time with a group of people who not only respect you but love you. I know we don't use that word in Singapore, but still, we love you."
Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs - the US state department's top Asia policy official, Kurt Campbell.
Penned by Marc on Thursday, October 29, 2009 2 Macro Voice(s)
Giant Lighter
What do you think of this lighter?

Penned by Marc on Thursday, October 29, 2009 5 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: amazing, humour, photo memories, travel, work
27 October 2009
Ris Low - Shingz
In this video, Ris Low shares that she is currently taking English Lessons in NUS, sponsored by the "Speak English Movement".
Actually you know what? I am starting to like her, she is really very confident, and despite all the negative reporting, she is still so comfortable with herself.
And in case you have not heard, Ris has introduced another new word to Singapore and the World....
Definition of SHINGZ (according to Ris Low):
"Shucks", Whatever, can replace the word "Fuck".
Example: "Oh my God, this is so Shingz, I can't stand you anymore, please talk to my hand."
Opposite of: Boomz
I hope Singaporeans can give her a break, and a chance.
Enjoy the video - The Shan and Roz Show - The Boomz Girl.
Disclaimer: Contains unpleasant Dialect and English vulgarities.
Penned by Marc on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 4 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: amazing, breaking news, entertainment, humour, scandal, singapore, thoughts, video, words
Yummy Claypot at Joo Chiat
Went for supper with Bernard after classes. This time, he brought me to Yummy Claypot located at 360 Joo Chiat Road.
Have heard a few of my classmates raving about the food there, so I knew I had to try the food.
We reached around 10.30pm, the whole restaurant was empty, except for the both of us. The wait staffs and kitchen staffs were all crowding around, watching TV. Well, you cannot blame them for being bored, with no customers to serve.
We ordered their "Signature Chicken" ($10). My oh my, DELICIOUS!
I am not sure how they cook it, but the seasoning is great!
I seriously have never tasted chicken cooked like this before. SEDAP!
Ordered the "Vegetable's Smoothie". Didn't like it at all, has a very strong Celery taste, and Celery is like Oyster, you either love it or hate it. I am the latter!
Then come the main course. Our HUGE pot of Prawn Porridge ($15). You cannot really tell how big this clayout is from this picture, but the diameter is roughly that of a LARGE Pizza, about 15 inch?
The prawn porride is tasty. Its the soupy type, so if you either like to drink soup or eat watery porridge, you will love this. The other alternative is the Crab Porridge which is almost twice the price of the Prawn Porridge.
One pot can serve about 4 persons, so if you intend to visit Yummy Claypot for the porridge, do bring along more friends, so you can have greater variety!
Penned by Marc on Tuesday, October 27, 2009 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: eat, photo memories, school, thoughts
25 October 2009
谈谈情, 舞舞狮 (Lion Hearts)
Finished the drama series 谈谈情,.舞舞狮 (Lion Hearts).
Its a collaboration between Malaysia's NTV7 and Singapore's Mediacorp TV.
Initially when I saw this series in my MobTV Menu, I didn't really want to watch, as most people may know that most dramas under the 7pm time-belt are usually Malaysia-Singapore collaborations, and are usually not as good as the 9pm dramas.
However, since I was bored, and didn't really have any other choices, I decided to give it a shot.
After watching one episode, I was kind of hooked, and within a week, I finished all 30 episodes. Crazy me. Its a very light-hearted series, so I encourage everyone to tune in once its released.
My favourite character is 文力唯 acted by this Malaysian actor by the name of 李承運 (fourth from left in the below picture).
I have no slightest clue who this guy is, but I must say he is really good in his role.
Penned by Marc on Sunday, October 25, 2009 1 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: advertizing, entertainment, humour, singapore, thoughts
24 October 2009
Flash Mob at Raffles Place
If you were passing by Raffles Place MRT or working in Raffles Place on 23 October 2009, you would have caught this interesting sight!
A Flash Mob... ....
I am always very entertained by Flash Mobs!
I am still wondering what this particular Flash Mob was for...
A very good view from my office window!
Penned by Marc on Saturday, October 24, 2009 1 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: amazing, breaking news, entertainment, lifestyle, singapore, thoughts, video, work
Jay's Birthday
Jay celebrated his birthday at Furama Hotel.
The hotel management is so thoughful, sent him a Birthday Card and a small birthday cake to send him their wishes!

This is jay, the birthday "boy"

Hai, I wonder why Intercontinental Hotel didn't send me their wishes when I booked their Suite for 2 nights to celebrate my birthday the other time.
But then again, I didn't tell them its my birthday lah....
Penned by Marc on Saturday, October 24, 2009 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: birthday, celebration, eat, family, lifestyle, photo memories, thoughts
23 October 2009
World's hottest leaders
World's hottest leaders
Its official, President Obama is slightly hotter than Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. 1. Yulia Tymoshenko, Prime Minister, Ukraine

Penned by Marc on Friday, October 23, 2009 0 Macro Voice(s)
I got it!
I finally sealed the deal.
I recently just made a purchase for a HUGE-ticket size item.
And its the exact one I wanted! Gosh, overjoyed!
Looking forward to 2014!
Penned by Marc on Friday, October 23, 2009 4 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: thoughts
21 October 2009
Phua Chu Kang Sdn Bhd
In case you are wondering, why its Phua Chu Kang Sdn Bhd and not Phua Chua Kang Pte Ltd, thats because in the latest season of PCK, they have moved to Malaysia!
Was surfing Youtube when I came across this super lame video to promote PCK, in the expense of Ris low, AGAIN!
Can you guys just give this poor girl a break?
IMHO, I feel PCK is losing its originality and humour, maybe they should just make this season their last?
Penned by Marc on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 1 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: disgusting, entertainment, humour, pissed, singapore, thoughts, video, 红星大奖
19 October 2009
Baby Bonus (添丁发财)
Have completed all 23 episodes of Channel 8 drama, Baby Bonus, 添丁发财, starring Felicia Chin 陈靓瑄 and Tay Ping Hui 郑斌辉.
Hehe, thanks to Singtel MioTV MobTV Select again.
Overall, I have been very much entertained by this drama series.
Of course the ending is predictable, a happy ending, typical of all Mediacorp family-oriented dramas.
Other than great acting from most of the supporting cast including Xiang Yun, Zhu Hou Ren, Apple Hong and Jesseca Liu, the one person I look forward to see in every episode, is the very very cute, adorable, cheerful and super likeable baby boy, Olympic.
If you have been watching the drama, you would know exactly what I mean.
Penned by Marc on Monday, October 19, 2009 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: babies, childhood, entertainment, family, neighbour, photo memories, singapore, thoughts, 红星大奖
18 October 2009
Parental Guidance (Starring Adrian Pang & Jessica Hester Hsuan)

Season 1

Season 2

Penned by Marc on Sunday, October 18, 2009 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: entertainment, family, singapore, thoughts
17 October 2009
Halloween 2
Caught Halloween 2 yesterday with my usual movie kakis, this time is 8 of us.
I regretted watching the movie, the moment it started.
Its damm gross, from the beginning to the end. The way the psyschopatic killer goes around killing innocent victims, slashing them to pieces, sawing their heads off, etc....
His killing is vicious to the max.
I find the plot unappealing, you must love violence, to love this movie, and I give this movie a Thumbs Down!
Penned by Marc on Saturday, October 17, 2009 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: disgusting, entertainment, movie, pissed, thoughts
14 October 2009
Jason & Yun ROM (3) - Taken by Professional Photographer
If you have missed the pics I posted:
Jason & Yun ROM (1)
Jason & Yun ROM (2)
This one is very much different from the previous 2 because these are pics professionally taken by the official photographer.
I must say his pictures are really beautifully taken!
And thanks to Yun, she gave me a CD Rom of all the pics which contain me. LOL.
Mic test, 1, 2, 3...
Good friends!
Escorting the Justice of The Peace
Taking "instructions" from "her"
Getting everyone's attention
Blending in the background
Candid black and white pic
Daven and I admiring the salad, or the cherry tomato?
Caught taking a pic
Group pic
Sarah and I posing with the blown-up dolls.
Penned by Marc on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: celebration, eat, family, lifestyle, photo memories, wedding