14 November 2009

George's Birthday Bash at Aranda Country Club 1

George celebrated his 28th birthday at Aranda Country Club, the exact same place I celebrated my birthday last year!

He was very thoughtful, not only did he catered for a buffet, he also prepared lots of food for barbeque as well.

Unfortunately, it rained, and some of his closer friends had to brave the rain, and bbq for his guests who were comfortably enjoying the catered food in the room.

Gary, setting up the pit.

The whole place was empty, except for us, and a group of Indians.

Look at how WET the whole BBQ area was!
I have never BBQed in such a condition before!

Kelvin and Geok looking on, as Gary prepared the pit.

Geok's T-shirt.

Gary is so skinny....

Food from BBQ Wholesale.

To prevent the rain from getting onto the charcoal.

Statue of Liberty?

Kel and Geok

Me and Kelvin. How does Kelvin look so youthful for his age?

Ella, Eh, Eh, under the Umbrella....

Time to cut cake!

Such a cute cake.... LOL


Some of his friends.

Singing THE SONG

Making a wish...

George taking pictures with various groups of friends.
I managed to take all the groups, unfortunately, I don't have the one which my clique took with him, because I didn't use my camera!

George and Kelvin

Cutting the cake for distribution.

Introducing the declicious Brocoli with Scallop Sauce, cooked by Geok.

Alcohols for 2 nights

Time to mingle!

Joanne and I




To be continued.........

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