02 November 2009

Michael Jackson's This Is It

Caught Michal Jackson's This Is It with Geok, Alex and Victor.

Michael was such a talented artiste, and in the documentary, I got to see how involved Michael was in the production and rehearsals of his concert world tour.

From music, to choreography, to even sound, Michael was so sensitive, and was an obvious perfectionist. He couldn't make do with even the slightest error. Unlike most other singers, Michael doesn't get the cue to start singing from the band, he cues the band to start the music. Awesome!

"This Is It" is a movie worth watching, especially if you grew up in the 80s to Michael's music, afterall, there are snippets of his concert rehearsals, and those are enough, just to remind us, what a legend he was, and what a great concert we missed!

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