27 January 2008



Activity: BBQ Gathering at Pauline and Tan's Condo

They met around evening time but I only went down at around 9pm cuz I was very tired so I took a short nap after I reached home in the evening. I brought a bottle of Chivas and Black Label as my contribution for the night.

This is Ronald BBQing for us.

The food and drinks

This sauce is made by Tan. Some Filipino sauce. Vinegar with soya sauce or something. I didn;t try cuz I am not very adventurous with food.

Ronald taking the Beer Bomb

They made some stranger who was celebrating his bday next table to try the Beer Bomb too. That guy is a Korean.

Albert's virgin drinking session.

Group Pic. It was a multi nationality gathering man. There were people from Pilippines, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia and Singapore in our group.

Loving Tan and Pauline

This is a Filipina Beer. Not bad.

Tan and Pau again


Ronald talking about family life.

Group Picture again

This security tried to be funny with us. Kept coming to us and saying some residents complained we were too noisy when we spoke like mice most of the time. He came to us at least 3 times, but all 3 times we couldn't care less about him.

We left Tan and Pau's condo around 4 plus and walked to Bukit Batok central as I wanted to eat Mac Breakfast. Ronald, Ernest and Albert accompanied me to Mac and I was the only one who ate. Haha.
On our way to central, Ronald just went to the middle road and laid there for a few minutes.
He finally got up after like 4 minutes.

Overall it was a good session. Got to know Alexis and Uzair a lot better. Got to see the lighter side of Uzair as well. I just hope this team can be a stronger bonded team, not just among their clicques but among the entire team. I believe if everyone put their differernces aside, this team will BE a BEtter team!

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