29 April 2008

Evil Spammers!

Following up to my previous post on the email I received that I got US$800,000. I am showing you guys the screenshot of my Yahoo! Mail account. This is what i received just this morning after I have cleared everything yesterday!

There is one repeated sender: Mrs Anna Marthin. The funny thing is I have moved her previous mails to SPAM but her mails still get directed to my Inbox. Can someone enlighten me how does Yahoo work?

I thought after you move a sender to Spam, future mails are supposed to be directed straight to Junk mail? In this case, Mrs Anna Marthin seems to have found a loophole, and her FINAL NOTIFICATION seems to be always FINAL!

I heard from a friend that if your email address has a "underscore/_" just before the @, spammers are unlikely to send spam mails to you.

For example:

I wonder is this true because if this is really true, I am considering setting up a new email account with that tip in mind.

Anyone else knows of a better method to ward of evil spammers?

3 Macro Voice(s):

Akira 思胜 said...

Take it easy... Just delete the spam mails only...

Fireopal said...

these spammers never learn!!

I been getting the Singnet phishing email for so many times!

chuafc2006 said...

just filter the address out using the "filter" in your settings.

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