Lucky this is not a national regulation, otherwise all bloggers in Singapore will die of boredom, because you will not be able to blog about anything relating to work.
The first company that has imposed this regulation is Singapore Airlines, popularly known as SIA. This was announced yesterday.
They have formerly announced to all staffs, regardless of level of seniority, that they are not supposed to discuss, talk, blog, or share anything that is related to their work or the company itself. They have also been warned not to post picures of themselves taken within work premises.
Serious disciplinary actions will be taken to any employees of SIA who violate this regulation.
Apparently this regultion was put in place after an employee of SIA splashed his photos all over his blog and Facebook, and he even posted pictures of the cabin of the SIA carriers.
His deed was exposed after local media picked up his "stories" and "photos" from his "tell-all" blog.
We, as bloggers, should make a conscious effort not to blog about work or our company because sooner or later it will surface, more so if its something negative.
I remember there was an intern who got into trouble with my previous company after he passed comments about the company policies in his blog, and one fine day, one of the directors clicked on his link when he Googled his company name.
Can you see how dangerous it is to blog about work-related issues now?
Its never too late to stop.
Unless your identity has been anonymous since day 1, otherwise I would suggest you remove any posts that you think might cause potential problems for you in future.
(Nang me if you have not!)
30 May 2008
No blogging about work / company, otherwise . . .
Penned by Marc on Friday, May 30, 2008 9 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: blog, breaking news, thoughts, work
27 May 2008
I got 400 additional visitors in a day, all thanks to FCUK Singapore!
Today when I visited my Nuffnang Analytics to check my traffic, I got a pleasant surprise! My traffic shot up! At first I thought it was a mistake so I kept refreshing the the analytics button, and no, it was not a mistake.
Just 2 days ago, I blogged about this rude blog about Singapore: FCUK Singapore?
Today I was alerted by a fellow blogger that the blogger involved has retaliated and wrote a post in response to a few Singaporean bloggers (one of them is me) who actually blogged about him.
All thanks to him for putting my blog link down in his new post, my traffic shot up by extra 400 readers today!
These 400 plus are just his referrals, not mentioning my own regular readers and other referrals.
Hereby, I would like to thank FCUK Singapore.
Here is the screenshot!
Penned by Marc on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 3 Macro Voice(s)
25 May 2008
If you die with no will
If you die without a will, your estate (or assets) will be distributed according to the Intestate Succession Act (Singapore).
How does the Intestate Succession Act work?
There are in fact nine “rules” in the act, which I hereby simplify (Caution - check with your lawyer to be sure):
1. If you die and leave behind a surviving spouse, no child and no parent, your spouse will get your entire estate.
2. If you die and leave behind a surviving spouse and children, your spouse will get half of your estate.
3. The remaining half will be distributed equally among your children.
4. If you die and leave behind a surviving spouse, no child, but a parent or parents, your spouse will get half of your estate and your parent(s) will get the other half of the estate.
5. If there are two parents, they each get their entitlement in equal portions.
6. If there are no surviving spouse, descendants or parents, your surviving siblings and children of deceased siblings will share your estate in equal portions.
7. If there are no surviving spouse, descendants, parents, siblings or children of siblings, your grandparents will receive your estate in equal portions.
8. Otherwise, your uncles and aunts will share your estate in equal portions.
9. If there are no uncles and aunts, the government will receive your estate in full.
If you do not want your estate to be distributed according to the above rules, just make sure you write a will!
Start writing one now, consult any lawyers on how to write a will.
(Information extracted from SalarySg)
Penned by Marc on Sunday, May 25, 2008 3 Macro Voice(s)
FCUK Singapore?
I was blog hopping as usual, when I discovered a blog with a very shocking and disturbing URL.
The title of the blog is FCUK Singapore, and the header says its "A site dedicated to expose all the CRAPS that's associated with Singapore."
I think this person hates Singapore big time.
He even has one post titled "Boycott Singapore Products" and he listed down a long list of companies that Temasek Holdings has shares in, as well as those companies "with presence in Malaysia".
I believe the blog was started only a few days ago, as its first post was dated 23 May, which is only 2 days ago.
Hmmm..... I am curious why this blogger started a blog like this.
And he better hope and pray that no one reports him because I believe this will lead to a very serious issue if being exposed.
Well, its just a matter of time . . .
My advice to him is that he better delete that blog soon.
Didn't he read about the blogger who was jailed for passing racist remarks recently?
What the!
Penned by Marc on Sunday, May 25, 2008 13 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: blog, breaking news, politics, singapore, thoughts
24 May 2008
Bird's Nest processed with bleach!
After seeing these pictures, I seriously will not buy cheap and lousy brands of Bird's Nest anymore because they actually use BLEACH to process their Bird's Nest!!!
Nest before any processing
Staff removing fine feathers, dirt and grass.
Then the nests are cut into smaller pieces for further washing.
Soaked in pails of water for small particles to float to the top.
Then they are soaked in bleach.
The bleaching agent becomes cloudy after reacting.
After bleaching, hot boiling water is used to get rid of the smell of bleaching agent.
Parts of the birds' nests which cannot be bleached will be taken out.
Now it's the time to mould them into shapes
After moulding them into shapes, they are dried.
After drying them for one day and one night, the birds' nests are ready.
And they become this:
Next time when you buy Bird's Nest, pls make sure you purchase a reputable brand so you will not be eating bleach!
Penned by Marc on Saturday, May 24, 2008 10 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: bird's nest, breaking news, disgusting, eat, scandal
21 May 2008
Can we raise $3million for Sichuan?
Singapore has raised SGD$10 million for the Sichuan Earthquake victims!
Singapore is such a charitable country as a whole, aren't we?
We have charity shows for
- kidney patients
- heart patients
- homeless
- SARs victims
- intellectually disabled
- 911 victims
- many other countless
And now, Singapore's only broadcaster Mediacorp will be producing a charity show together with organizers Unusual Productions, Scorpio East Holdings, and Novena Holdings just for the China Sichuan Earthquake victims. This charity show was not planned, and its a last minute effort, hopefully to raise fund for the orphans whose parents died from the earthquake. So far 40,000 people have died.
I am touched by how the Singapore government is always ready to lend a hand to any countries when they are in need.
Though the organizers have no concrete donation target yet, they are most probably targeting $3 million, based on previous TV fundraising shows.
Further report, pls read below:
SINGAPORE : A few groups in Singapore have come together to put up a special three-hour charity concert to raise funds for children who have been orphaned by the Sichuan earthquake.
The concert will be held this Sunday, and will be beamed "live" from the MediaCorp studios, on Channel 8 at 7pm. A repeat telecast will be shown on June 1.
The earthquake in Sichuan has left many children with an uncertain future. And hoping to help them rebuild their lives is a charity concert will be held to raise money to build orphanages or schools.
Yeo Guat Kwang, Advisor to Sichuan Earthquake Charity Show and MP for Aljunied GRC, said, "It's quite sad to see that they have lost their parents, and support from the family. It's important for us to help them to continue, to stand up and move on."
The organisers of the show are Unusual Productions, Scorpio East Holdings, and Novena Holdings. MediaCorp is the producer of the show.
The idea for the concert came about on Monday and since then, organisers have wasted no time. They have less than a week to put together a show that would normally take several months.
Well-known singers from the region are being invited for the show, which will include Gary Cao from Malaysia and Singapore's J J Lin, as well as MediaCorp artistes and presenters.
Channel NewsAsia's China correspondent Wong Yee Fong will give a "live" report from Sichuan, talking about the people she encountered; while Chinese students and workers in Singapore will also be invited to share their thoughts.
Meanwhile, the rescue team from the Singapore Civil Defence Force will return from their mission in China this week and share their experiences.
Organisers have not set any donation targets, but previous fundraising concerts have raised at least S$3 million, and they hope that this time it will be no different. The Chinese Embassy will work with the relevant agencies on the ground, so that the money can be directed to where it is needed most.
Members of the public can call 1900-1125121 for a S$6 donation; 1900-1125122 for a S$18 donation, and 1900-1125123 for a S$50 donation. They do not have to wait till Sunday to donate.
They can start calling in from 12am on Wednesday, and donation lines will remain open till June.
Meanwhile, Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng on Wednesday signed the condolence book for the Sichuan earthquake victims at the Chinese Embassy in Singapore. Mr Wong, who is co-chair of the Singapore-China Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation, offered his deepest condolence to the victims and families of the earthquake disaster.
Do catch the show on channel 8 at 7pm this Sunday!
(Report extracted fr0m CNA)
Penned by Marc on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 4 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: breaking news, singapore, thoughts
I can sleep anywhere, just not my bed!
I can doze off / fall asleep everywhere, but just not on my bed, what is seriously wrong with me?
Recently especially, whenever I try to lie on my bed to sleep at night, my mind is WIDE AWAKE! My mind is so active, that I just can't doze off, I can't fall asleep.
It is disturbing, very disturbing.
When I am on the MRT, I can doze off in any position, even when I am standing.
When I am at my desk at work, I can doze off while reading my emails.
When I am drinking coffee with my friends at a cafe, I can doze off while chatting.
I just cannot doze off on my bed!!!
I keep having bad dreams, to a point I am going berserk!
Why is my insonmia so bad?
I take Melatonin.
I take relaxant.
I take Valerian.
None of the above is helping me.
Am I too stressed?
Am I thinking too much?
Am I having serious insonmia?
Can someone tell me how to cure this?
I need help!
Penned by Marc on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 7 Macro Voice(s)
David Archuleta has won the title of American Idol! . . .
. . . . at least in my heart!
Judging from the great comments from all 3 judges in all 3 rounds, especially Simon's last comment "....its a knock-out!", I believe David Archuleta would win the finals! Its kind of confirmed already, because Archuleta's performances were spectacular!!!
Song 1
Song 2
Song 3
So, what do you think?
Penned by Marc on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 3 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: entertainment, thoughts
20 May 2008
Kenny Sia's 1st commercial!
OMG Kenny Sia's very first TV commercial!
I saw this posted in Youtube by Kenny himself just yesterday, and I must share this with you guys!!!
A Thai commercial for Mr Potato.
Can you spot him?
Penned by Marc on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 5 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: advertizing, breaking news, entertainment, humour, video
19 May 2008
Sue me?
I received a comment from an anonymous coward on one of my posts this morning. He / She left his / her name as "anonymous" and left no URL behind, and expect me to put up his nasty comment after moderation? I think he / she can wait FOREVER.
He said if I do not remove the words "HollySHIT" from my previous post, he (or HollySHIT) is going to sue me.
Greatest joke on earth!
This idiot, probaby has the brain of a 1 year old or 1 month old?
Sue me for what? What case does he / she / it has?
I did not even flame that THING by posting her blog URL and pasting screen shots of her blog, and you can sue me for that?
Anyone can be called Hollyshit or hollyjean, don't tell me her name is a trademark?
Pur-lease . . .
In fact, I CAN SUE HER FOR DEFAMING ME. She, on the other hand, pasted my blog URL and screenshot! I don't even need to go to the extend of sueing, I can write in to my friend who works for for defamation, then maybe she will get blocked as well, like what happened to the other girl the other time.
Hey people, don't bring out the word "SUE" if you do not know the meaning, go check the dictionary or something. To sue someone, you need to have a case, and in this scenario, there is no case.
I have been keeping quiet after readers (or maybe just Holly's friends) keep flooding my comments and tag board with anonymous coward remarks, but pls do not test my patience.
And to that person who went around other's blog and saying I am gay, I am animal, I am whatever, seriously I DO NOT CARE, this only makes u immature, and seriously I am thinking of tracking your IP address and writing in to IDA, if you still persists.
Don't know what is IDA? Go Google and search!
Sorry I am in bitch mode these 2 days, because someone stepped on my toes and yeah, i like to retaliate. SO WHAT? (someone left a comment ask me not to retaliate and accept. LMAO)
AND, pls stop being such a closetted supporter of my blog, checking out my blog daily for updates on "your" comments to appear after moderation. Because you can keep posting, they are not going to appear EVER!
I have said my piece.
Busy next 1 week, will be posting up more controversial posts soon, I love controversies!
Penned by Marc on Monday, May 19, 2008 4 Macro Voice(s)
17 May 2008
Getting worked up over a post?
I don't understand why some people (Hollyjean) are so worked up over my "Virgin Contracted STD" post?
My intention of doing up that post was for public awareness, since it was shared with me by a friend of mine, I would just like more people to know more about it. There is nothing wrong with just being more cautious in future right?
Some bloggers / passer-bys just like to pass comments without thinking twice. This is my blog, I blog about anything I want, and I stand firm on this point. As long as I know what I blog about is from my heart, then its good enough for me.
There are so many things that are not possible, but has happened in this world.
Have you guys read about the woman who pleasured herself with a lobster? She gave birth to shrimps after that and died of shock. Isn't that unbelievable? Don't believe what I just said? Click here.
One thing I would like to emphasize is that if something has not happened before, that does not mean it will NOT happen in future, because the world is revolving all the time, and what might seem totally absurb 10 years ago, may be normal now.
So usually when I read or hear stories that I have never encountered before, I always accept with an open heart and share with the people around me, especially those I love, because I want them to be informed of what I heard/read.
Lets just say that my friend lied to me and he fabricated the story about his friend who contracted STD, but what harm does it do to anyone to just read about it? I tried googling for answers, apparently its impossible to get AIDs through toilet seats, but it is POSSIBLE to get STD thru toilet seats.
For the information of the ignorant out there, AIDs is just one type of STD. There are many types of STD and some are more serious than the others. I don't think I need to elaborate on STD because you can just Google it and you will get the answers.
I hope readers, when reading blogs, can be more open to learning new things, and not quickly leave nasty or insulting comments / tags, because after all let me repeat myself again:
This is my blog, and if you do not like what you read, then ignore it or leave my blog.
And to that HollySHIT who left nasty comments about me and blogged about me in response to my "Virgin Contracted STD", shame on you because you have nothing to blog about except for creating sequels to the work of others?
Creativity, or the lack of it, in this case of HollySHIT?
Penned by Marc on Saturday, May 17, 2008 1 Macro Voice(s)
16 May 2008
Virgin contracted STD
For the benefit of some stupid bloggers, let me make myself clear. This is a REAL STORY, believe or not its up to you. So, after reading this post, if you feel I am bullshitting, just ignore it. If not, just be more careful in future!
I heard from a friend something very shocking yesterday, which I hope to share with everyone.
Yesterday me and my friends went to visit a friend of ours who just gave birth to a newborn baby. As I needed to use the toilet, I told my friend "I go toilet for a while". As I was strolling towards the attached toilet in the ward, my friend ran over and stopped me, saying "Don't use the toilet here, I tell you why later."
So I was taken aback and asked him why I can't use the toilet, he said he would share with me after we leave the hospital.
So after the visitation, I quickly approached my friend and asked him what happened. Then he told me the story of his friend. Lets just call his friend Mary.
Mary is a virgin. Till now she is still a virgin. But she is contracted with STD, Sexually Transmitted Disease.
How did this happen? That is the shocking part.
Mary has been a nice girl all her life and she believes in "Sex only after marriage". Pre-marital sex is a BIG no no for her.
She never had sex, so why would she be infected with STD?
The shocking truth lies in the hospital toilet.
Apparently there was a period of time she had to visit the hospital frequently due to someone close to her being hospitalised. So during that period, she used the hospital toilet frequently. Diseases probably got passed to her on one of the visits to the toilet.
She found out weeks later, when she found foreign substances on her privates and went to consult a doctor.
She contracted STD!
Not through sex, but through diseases spread through toilets.
This is a reminder to everyone out there to be very careful when visiting public toilets, especially those in hospitals. Afterall, the hospital is the place most prone to diseases, so it does not hurt to be more careful in future.
After hearing Mary's story, I freaked out, and told myself to be extremely careful when using public toilets in future.
Penned by Marc on Friday, May 16, 2008 13 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: breaking news, lifestyle, thoughts
What does Y.A.H.O.O stand for?
This came to my mind all of a sudden, so I must blog about it.
Y A H O O stands for . . .
So is Yahoo telling us to Goo*** instead?
This is just for fun, pls so not take it for real!
Continue to support Yahoo! Because its still my preferred search engine.
(Someone told me the real acronym is Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle)
Penned by Marc on Friday, May 16, 2008 1 Macro Voice(s)
NON Fat Milk (0% Guaranteed)
This is how low fat, or rather non-fat milk is made!
Sure to make you LAUGH!
Damm fnny right?!?!
(Hopefully no cow is harmed in the making of this video)
Penned by Marc on Friday, May 16, 2008 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: advertizing, humour, video
15 May 2008
A, B, . . . what?
Argh . . .
Syesha is OUT! After 56 million votes, American Idol finally say BYE to Syesha.
Our speculations have become reality, its A against C.
Archuleta VS Cook
I am upset, because I can no longer watch Syesha a.k.a Whitney-Brandy-Alicia on American Idol.
So who do you support?
Which D(A)vid will eventu(A)lly emerge (A)s the winner of se(A)son 7?
Is it the ROCKER?
Or is it the boy-next-door?
is the answer
Penned by Marc on Thursday, May 15, 2008 4 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: breaking news, entertainment, thoughts
14 May 2008
Osama Found / Osama went for an audition!
I do not want to elaborate anything, don't want to get into any trouble. Watch the videos to find out!
Osama has been found:
Osama went for an audition:
Penned by Marc on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: breaking news, humour, video
$1 million for "4444" car license plate!
This wealthy woman in Hong Kong actually forked out HK$1 million to buy a car license plate with the numbers "4444" because she believes its luck!
That is SGD$200,000 and approximately US$130,000!
I can buy a car with that for God's sake!
Read the news below:
Hong kong - A Hong Kong woman splashed out 130,000 US dollars for a car licence plate carrying "4444", despite the number's traditional links to death in Chinese culture, a report said Monday.
The bidder paid one million Hong Kong dollars in a government auction of 270 unusual licence plates on Sunday, the Chinese-language Apple Daily said.
The number four is often avoided by Chinese people because its pronunciation is similar to the word for "dead".
Some skyscrapers do not include floors that end with the number, such as 14th or fourth, as they are less likely to be rented.
However, car licence experts told Apple that four was a lucky number for people originating from Chaozhou, a city in the southern Guangdong province, as it sounds like the word for "water" in their dialect.
Water is a seen as a symbol for money in the traditional Chinese feng shui energy system.
The woman declined to talk to reporters after the auction, the report added.
(News courtesy of Yahoo)
Penned by Marc on Wednesday, May 14, 2008 4 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: breaking news, finance, license, lifestyle, thoughts
13 May 2008
Malaysia's TOP 5 Most Linked Blogs
The below information is based on my own research, and may or may not be 100% accurate. If I have given any wrong information, pls feel free to correct me politely, and I can make the necessary amendments. If anyone is offended, let me apologize in advance.
I have been doing some research over the last few days. Serious research.
Although I am Singaporean, I realised that there seems to be a lot of Malaysian bloggers out there, serious ones. So I tasked myself to find out which are Malaysia's most popular blogs, out of curiousity.
Well, curiousity kills the cat!
When I say popular here, I do not mean the daily visitors to the blog, I mean the number of links to this blog, so I made use of and started my research 3 days ago.
I went thru an extensive list of blogs, at least 200 of them, with the help of the MillionBlogList and WikiBlogDirectory and trust me, it was extremely tedious! Well, the effort was worth it because I got to know some new blogs!
AND . . .
Presenting to you, Malaysia's TOP 5 Most Linked Blogs:
1. - 66,100 links
2. - 55,966 links
3. - 23,000 links
4. - 20,299 links
5. - 18,400 links
I will be doing my research on Singapore's TOP 5 Most Linked Blogs soon, and hopefully I will be able to present you with the results soon!
(Have you nanged me?)
Penned by Marc on Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7 Macro Voice(s)
12 May 2008
Half Man Half Tree
Just read another unbelievable news. This man is known as the "Tree Man" because he has root-like structures growing out of his body, and they look like branches. Read the story below and be sure to watch the video to see the full story!
Indonesia - 32 year old Dede lives in a remote village in Indonesia with his two children, trying to care for them. Dede, a former fisherman, has an extraordinary skin condition: he has root like structures growing out of his body - branches that can grow up to 5cm a year and which protrude from his hands and feet, and welts covering his whole body.
He is known locally as ‘Tree Man’ and his condition has baffled local doctors for 20 years. In an attempt to earn a living to support his family, he is part of a circus troupe, displaying his Tree Man limbs along with others afflicted with skin deformities in ‘freak’ shows.
Dr Anthony Gaspari, a world expert in skin conditions from the University of Maryland travels to Indonesia to attempt to diagnosis Dede’s mysterious condition. He takes skin samples for biopsies back in the USA. What will he discover?
We go on an intimate journey with the extraordinary Dede, as he tries to eek out a living in a circus troupe to support his family, and as he is given medical help by Dr Gaspari. The identification and possible cure of his condition, could change his whole life.
Half way across the world, in Romania, farmer Ion Toader is discovered to have a similar extraordinary ‘Tree Man’ condition, with growths all over his hands. He has not been able to drive a tractor for five years. A Romanian surgeon offers to give him an operation to remove his growths.
Will it be successful, and how will it change Ion’s life?
This is the video:
The world is getting stranger and stranger! . . .
Penned by Marc on Monday, May 12, 2008 3 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: breaking news, lifestyle, thoughts, video
11 May 2008
Questionaire - Tag Meme
Tagged by Serene
Instructions: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. What is your favourite local celeb?
Its gonna be Fann Wong forever.
2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
Dubai or Europe.
3. What's your favorite thing to do?
4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
Yes, but temporal happiness only.
5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
To have US$10 million savings instantly!
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
No! Duh?
7. What's the most regretful thing that you've done before?
To not enrol into JC and go Uni when I met the criteria for most JCs!
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Save half the money, give some to family and give my close friends a BIG treat! Invest the rest.
9. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you recently?
Talk sacarstically to someone over the phone for 5 mins, and realised it was not my friend! I dialled a wrong number!
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you?
1) She has a heart for animals, especially dogs.
2) Independant.
3) She makes nice "Gan Dang Ba". (Only she knows what I am talking about)
11. What makes you happy?
12. What type of person do you hate the most?
People who pretend nothing happened after they borrow money!
13. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?
VP in a bank / Own Business.
14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
To be able to teleport, because its so tiring to commute.
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
To have health and wealth.
16. What do you do when you're alone?
Blog, google, you-tube, yahoo, read.
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
My quick temper.
18. One word to describe yourself.
19. What is your least favourite animal?
Can't think of any. Maybe rat too?
20. What is your ultimate addiction?
Potato Chips!
I have tagged the following:
Nicholas Ang
Paul Lim
PS: After done, do leave me a comment ya, I want to read, but I know most of you are busy, so take your time!
Penned by Marc on Sunday, May 11, 2008 2 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: thoughts
Teen Prostitute - Bank Account RM80,000!
I just read a shocking news about this teenager from Malaysia, she has been in prostitution for 3 years now, and charges RM2000 to RM4000 per sexual service. It would have never been surfaced if she hadn't injured her private part and was admitted to hospital.
Malaysia - She is only 17 but has a bank balance of over RM80,000 ($34,450).
The secret as to how the teenager came to own so much cash came to light after she was hospitalised in Kuala Lumpur.
The first bombshell she dropped would have caused concern to any parent - her vagina was injured.
The second revelation: She sustained the injury while providing sexual services to a man from the Middle East.
Her third shocking confession was the money in her bank account. She had earned that by selling her body.
The teenager who hails from Trengganu had been offering sexual services in Kuala Lumpur since 2006, reported Harian Metro.
According to the tabloid, the girl charged between RM 2,000 and RM4,000 for her sexual services.
A source at her school told the newspaper that the revelations were shocking and only then some in the school understood why she made almost weekly trips to Kuala Lumpur.
Her double life was exposed when she didn’t turn up in school for several days in March. A teacher was asked to go to her house and investigate.
Her family was shocked to hear that the teen was not in school.
She was in fact at that time hospitalised in Kuala Lumpur.
It was only when they confronted her, that they came face to face with a series of shocking details.
First, it was the staggering amount of money in her bank account.
The source at her school said the sexual services were arranged by a middleman and the teenager's clients included foreign businessmen.
How she ended up in prostitution is not known but the girl is said to be bright with an attractive personality.
It is also not known how she managed to keep her secret from her family for so long.
Its sad to hear teenagers are exploited like that, but its more shocking she charges such a high fee man. RM2000 - RM4000 is like OTT!
(Story courtesy of The New Paper)
Penned by Marc on Sunday, May 11, 2008 9 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: breaking news, lifestyle, thoughts
I don't celebrate Mother's Day
Been blog-hopping, seeing everyone else's blog talking about Mother's Day, I kind of feel left out. I have not celebrated Mother's Day for years, in fact many many years.
While everyone is out with their mothers having Mother's Day lunches and dinners, I am at home all alone.
Suddenly this thought came to my mind. Is Children's Day really meant for kids only? Because it seems Children's Day was celebrated only in Primary and Secondary school, and not thereafter. It seems more like "Student's Day"
Was Children's Day introduced as a day for parents to appreciate their "Children"? Like how chilldren appreciate their parents on Mother's Day and Father's Day?
Why is such an act of appreciation not reciprocated on Children's Day? The day to give your child(ren) all your attention . . . Grown up children like you and I, needs that affirmation too sometimes . . . Don't we?
And no, I am not going to say "Happy Mother's Day" because
I don't celebrate Mother's Day!
Penned by Marc on Sunday, May 11, 2008 8 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: celebration, thoughts
09 May 2008
Famous hairstylist giving free haircut to everyone!
There was once a very famous hairstylist in NEW YORK, he gives Free Haircut to everybody who comes into his shop to have their haircuts.
One day, a florist goes to him for a haircut. After the cut, he goes to pay the stylist and the stylist replies: 'I am sorry. I cannot accept money from you. I am doing community service.'
The Florist is happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning when the stylist goes to open his shop, there is a thank you card and a dozen roses waiting at his door.
A policeman goes for a haircut and he also goes to pay the stylist after the cut. But the stylist replies: 'I am sorry. I cannot accept money from you. I am doing community service.' The cop is happy and leaves the shop.
The next morning the stylist goes to open his shop, there is a thank you card and a dozen donuts waiting at his door.
A Singaporean software engineer goes for a haircut and he also goes to pay the stylist after the cut. But the stylist replies: 'I am sorry. I cannot accept money from you. I am doing community service.' The Singaporean software engineer is very happy and leaves.
The next morning when the stylist goes to open his shop, guess what he finds there............
Can you guess?
Come on, think like a Singaporean....
Have you got the answer?
come on
The stylist saw
a dozen of Singaporeans waiting for a free haircut!
Its so true, so funny!
But I am definitely NOT one of these people la.
But it true because I work in Raffles Place and everytime there are freebies to be given out during our lunch hour, you will see EXECUTIVES queueing up for detergent samples, free drink samples, tissue paper, sanitary pad samples, what have you.
Its so Singaporean!
Penned by Marc on Friday, May 09, 2008 6 Macro Voice(s)
08 May 2008
Most Idiotic!
This is the most idiotic thing I have ever posted on my blog.
I fee like an idiot!
Take the Idiot Test NOW!
(Make sure you totally complete the test, otherwise you are really an idiot!)
WARNING: Its damm idiotic!
PS: I personally got it right the 3rd time. So embarassing!
Penned by Marc on Thursday, May 08, 2008 8 Macro Voice(s)
World's Highest Website
This website is the World’s Highest Website!
Currently, it’s 18.939 kilometers high (that’s about 11.77 miles). Take your time to slowly scroll and challenge yourself.
Click here and see for yourself:
World's Highest Website
Penned by Marc on Thursday, May 08, 2008 0 Macro Voice(s)
07 May 2008
Cow performed oral sex on police!
This news is shocking!!!
MOORESTOWN –Additional charges have been filed against former Moorestown police officer Robert Melia after allegations surfaced last week that he performed several sexual acts with livestock, specifically cows.
Melia, 38, of 126 Cottage Avenue in Moorestown has been charged with four counts of animal cruelty after purposely and knowingly tormenting an animal, specifically by having a cow perform fellatio, according to the Burlington County Prosecutor's office.
Due to the nature of the investigation, authorities did not reveal how they uncovered the incidents involving the cows that occurred on four separate occasions within 4 months in Southampton, which is located within Burlington County.
Police had arrested Melia and his ex-girlfriend, Heather Lewis, 32, of Pemberton, April 12 after allegations surfaced that the pair had sexually assaulted three juvenile females. Each were charged with three counts of first degree aggravated sexual assault and one count of second degree sexual assault.
Melia has been held at Burlington County Jail with a bail of $500,000, according to authorities.
Last week, Burlington County Superior Court Judge John Almeida added an additional $10,000 to that sum because of the new charges, according to authorities.
Officials are still investigating the matter.
(Story courtesy of Drew Ciccotelli)
Penned by Marc on Wednesday, May 07, 2008 4 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: breaking news
06 May 2008
Forgive her?
Maybe we should forgive her and meet her? After all these years, I wonder how is she doing. Is she leading an ok life?
Afterall without her, where would we be?
I do not want to live my life with regrets, if anything is to happen to her in the future.
What do you think?
MSN me.
Penned by Marc on Tuesday, May 06, 2008 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: thoughts
3 Top 10 Posts in Nuffnang INNIT!
I am really delighted!

And . . . under the "All Time favourite" ranking, I have 2 posts on the 4th and 6th positions.
Penned by Marc on Tuesday, May 06, 2008 2 Macro Voice(s)
05 May 2008
Threat? Not even close!
You still have a long way to go dude! Learn the ropes first, you are nowhere near me!
Penned by Marc on Monday, May 05, 2008 0 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: thoughts
An unconditional mother's love
A very very heart-breaking story . . .
My mom only had one eye. I hated her... She was such an embarrassment.
She cooked for students & teachers to support the family.
There was this one day during elementary school where my mom came to say hello to me.
I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? I ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out.
The next day at school one of my classmates said, "EEEE, your mom only has one eye" I wanted to bury myself in shame. I also wanted my mom to just disappear.
I confronted her that day and said, "If you're only gonna make me a laughing stock, why don't you just die?" My mom did not respond... I didn't even stop to think for a second about what I had said, because I was full of anger. I was oblivious to her feelings.
I wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with her. So I studied real hard, and finally got a chance to go abroad to study. Then, I got married and I bought a house of my own. I had 3 kids. I was happy with my life, my kids and a comfortable job.
Then one day, my mother came to visit me. She hadn't seen me in years and she didn't even get to meet her grandchildren. When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I yelled at her for coming over uninvited. I screamed, "How dare you come to my house and scare my children! GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!" And to this, my mother quietly answered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address", and she left.
One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old shack I used to stay just out of curiosity. My neighbors said that she died. I did not shed a single tear.
They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have.
"My dearest son, I think of you all the time. I'm sorry that I went to your house and scared your children. I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. I'm sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were gowing up.
You see........ when you were a little boy, you got into an accident, and you lost your eye.
As a mother, I couldn't bear watching you having to grow up with one eye, so I gave you mine.
I am so proud of you, my son, who is seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye."
With all my love to you,
I am very touched after reading this story. Cherish those around you, love them unconditionally, because you never know what they are doing for you all these while.
Penned by Marc on Monday, May 05, 2008 4 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: thoughts
04 May 2008
Women are hard to please
Girls are so hard to please sometimes:
Going out for a simple meal
BF : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
BF : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
BF : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
BF : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
BF : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor.......
Another scenario when going shopping with girlfriend
GF: (holding up two tops of different colours) Which one is nice?
BF: The blue one looks nicer
GF: Is it? I thought the black one is more classy
BF: I agree, take the black one
GF: But then, the blue one looks quite nice too
BF: Yeah
GF: Quick, which one is better?
***if BF answers 'black', GF will say he keeps changing his mind and is not showing sincerity in choosing the colour for her.
If BF answers 'blue', GF will say, "'Told you that the black one looks more class!"
Seriously, no matter what the BF says, the GF will eventually choose the one she has already decided beforehand.
A lot of the times,the GF might even put the two colours back (after extensive trying) and say she is not interested anymore.
Women very hard to please ah . . .
Penned by Marc on Sunday, May 04, 2008 3 Macro Voice(s)
Don't complain how packed the train is, unless you experience this!
Don't you guys ever dare complain how packed our MRT is after watching this video!
I am so guilty because I complain every morning while taking the NEL, but not after watching this!
This is JAPAN:
Aren't we fortunate?
Penned by Marc on Sunday, May 04, 2008 6 Macro Voice(s)
Some bloggers blurt without thinking!
Some bloggers in Nuffnang totally have no originality. After i posted "74 bloggers have been linked, what about YOU?", 2 bloggers by the name of weizz and ahjaan from Nuffnang, jumped on the popularity of my post and posted the "so-called" PART 2 of this topic. Such creativity, or the lack of it?
Weizz posted with the title "MUST SEE: why should i let you link? to get traffics??chih!!! LAME!! (part 1)".
Ahjaan posted with the title "150 link n get blog traffic?? haha... vry lame....(part 2):.
Yawn . . . Gimme a break.
They claim in their posts that if you blog well, you "do not have to resort to methods like this to gain popularity". I find it totally amusing because first of all, I am not trying to gain popularity.
Second, I am just trying to set a record for myself, and by the way I have no ad at the moment, so there is no need for me to get traffic? Duh, I guess they are too dumb to think before they even speak, well I will forgive them because they are just 18-year-old boys.
Third, this is my blog, I do whatever I like to do.
Fourth, if they claim that they do not need methods like these to get people to read their blog and if their blog content is so fanta-bulous, why are they INNIT-ing their posts?
Another yawn . . .
They said "Xiaxue and Kenny Sia do not have to do such things".
Well, they are Xiaxue and Kenny Sia, I am Marc! Duh!
Do they even know what they are talking about? But I take it as a compliment because I have been compared to Xiaxue and Kenny?
I would like to also say to the both of them: Xiaxue and Kenny also do not have to INNIT their posts because they have regular readers to their blog.
And seriously, looking at their blogs, I do not think they have that many readers, so why are they criticising others?
Spend time thinking of what new and interesting content to blog, young boys. Don't be so cynical. After all, everyone of us are just finding new ways to blog, there is no need to do a Part 1, Part 2 to seek attention. So last season!
Maybe some are jealous I got 66 nangs for my "74 bloggers have been linked, what about YOU?" post.
. . .
Penned by Marc on Sunday, May 04, 2008 9 Macro Voice(s)
03 May 2008
Two bloggers charged under Sedition Act over racist remarks! ($5000 or Jail up to 3 years or both)
Be careful what you blog, read the article below and learn a lesson from them!
SINGAPORE : Two bloggers have been charged with sedition for posting racist comments online.
This is the first time bloggers are being charged in Singapore and it is sending shockwaves through the local blogging community.
Lawyers say the last time the sedition act was invoked in Singapore was at least 10 years ago.
Twenty-five-year-old Nicholas Lim Yew and 27-year-old Benjamin Koh Song Huat are being accused of posting racist comments on an online forum and on their blog site.
They are both being charged with committing a seditious act, by promoting feelings of ill-will and hostility between races in Singapore.
They were not represented by defence lawyers and were granted bail of S$10,000 each.
This charge came as a shock to many in the blogging community.
Said Singaporean blogger Benjamin Lee (Mr Miyagi):" A lot of them will be looking at their blogs and wondering if they made any legally seditious remarks. I think because of the way this will be played up, it's negative publicity for the Singapore blogging community."
"Currently if you surf the net you will come across a lot of bloggers making such comments. You will probably see a drop in such cases henceforth. At the moment I am not aware of any cases except of a case in Iran where bloggers are charged. But Iran has a different legal system from Singapore," said Leonard Loo, managing partner of Leonard Loo & Co Advocates & Solicitors.
Channel NewsAsia understands that the Media Development Authority had asked host servers to remove a racist blog from the web.
Police are now investigating this matter.
While many racist blogs by Singaporeans can be found online, the blogging community is also quick to criticize any racist comments.
Channel NewsAsia has received many emails from viewers informing us about a few racist sites.
Viewers said they were "appalled as well as disappointed that a Singaporean could condemn" other fellow Singaporeans of a different race.
Lawyers warn that anybody who forwards seditious remarks to others via email can also be charged with abetment.
The case is expected to be heard in court again on September 21.
A person is deemed to have committed an offence under the Sedition Act if he performs any act which has a seditious tendency, or conspires with any person to do so.
It is also an offence to utter any seditious words or to print, publish, sell, distribute, reproduce or import any seditious publication.
First time offenders can be fined up to S$5,000, or jailed up to three years, or both.
For subsequent offences, they can be jailed up to five years and have their seditious publications forfeited and destroyed.
(Article from ChannelNewsAsia)
Penned by Marc on Saturday, May 03, 2008 4 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: blog, breaking news, singapore
Nuffnang loves Malaysia more than Singapore?
I am jealous, very jealous. I want to voice out my displeasure!
I realise Nuffnangers from Nuffnang Malaysia get a lot more ads than the counterparts in Singapore. I mean we Singaporean Nuffnangers wait and wait but we do not get any ads. On the other hand, the Malaysian Nuffnangers get so many ads every week.
The frequency of getting ads is making the least me!
Nuffnang, aren't you going to get more advertisers for Singapore? If not what is the point of us being so devoted to Nuffnang, even to the extend of Glitterati-ing ourselves, only to find out that we can only get ads once every few weeks or months, because there isn't many advertisers in Singapore.
I hope Nuffnang can look into this, although Nuffnang is not a main source of income, in fact its passive income, but I do hope to see my earnings increasing, it boosts my morale to blog more!
I am happy that the Malaysia counterparts are paid well for being a Nuffnanger, as I do see them having endless ads everytime I visit their blog, I am happy for them, do not get me wrong.
I am just speaking up for those in Singapore, and I believe many of them are just silently complaining too, especially the Glitterati members.
We want ads!
PS: I still love Nuffnang . . . Its still the best blog-advertising company around. At least among those I've tried!
Goog** Adse*** Sucks! <-Click
Penned by Marc on Saturday, May 03, 2008 7 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: advertizing, blog, thoughts
02 May 2008
74 bloggers have been linked, what about YOU?
I currently have 74 bloggers in my list, whom I do not know personally prior to blogging, I would like to build this list to 150, do you want to be part of this? If you do, leave your blog url in my comments box (NOT IN MY TAG BOARD). However you must link me first, and once I have verified this, I will link you back immediately. Its as simple as that.
Lets get linking! ! !
Once I reach 150, I will be writing up another post and I will INNIT it and you will gain exposure again!
Have you nanged me?
Penned by Marc on Friday, May 02, 2008 94 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: blog
David Archuleta is American Idol!
Penned by Marc on Friday, May 02, 2008 7 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: entertainment, thoughts
01 May 2008
The World's TOP 50 Universities
1 HARVARD University United States
2 University of OXFORD United Kingdom
2 University of CAMBRIDGE United Kingdom
2 YALE University United States
5 Imperial College LONDON United Kingdom
6 PRINCETON University United States
7 University of CHICAGO United States
7 CALIFORNIA Institute of Technology United States
9 UCL (University College LONDON) United Kingdom
10 MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology United States
11 COLUMBIA University United States
12 MCGILL University Canada
13 DUKE UniversityUnited States
14 University of PENNSYLVANIA United States
15 JOHNS HOPKINS University United States
16 AUSTRALIAN National University Australia
17 University of TOKYO Japan
18 University of HONG KONG Hong Kong
19 STANFORD University United States
20 CORNELL University United States
20 CARNEGIE MELLON University United States
22 University of California, BERKELEY United States
23 University of EDINBURGH United Kingdom
24 King's College LONDON United Kingdom
25 KYOTO University Japan
26 Ecole Normale Supérieure, PARIS France
27 University of MELBOURNE Australia
29 NORTHWESTERN University United States
30 University of MANCHESTER United Kingdom
31 The University of SYDNEY Australia
32 BROWN University United States
33 University of QUEENSLAND Australia
33 University of BRITISH COLUMBIA Canada
33 National University of SINGAPORE Singapore
36 PEKING University China
37 University of BRISTOL United Kingdom
38 The CHINESE University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
38 University of MICHIGAN United States
40 TSINGHUA University China
41 University of CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles United States
42 ETH Zurich Switzerland
43 MONASH University Australia
44 University of NEW SOUTH WALES Australia
45 University of TORONTO Canada
46 OSAKA University Japan
47 BOSTON University United States
48 University of AMSTERDAM Netherlands
49 NEW YORK University (NYU) United States
50 The University of AUCKLAND New Zealand
I am so proud of NUS that it actually made it into the TOP 50 list.
And for the record, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) is ranked 69th.
Congrats to both NUS and NTU!!!
(Information extracted from
Penned by Marc on Thursday, May 01, 2008 3 Macro Voice(s)
Tags: list