25 May 2008

If you die with no will

If you die without a will, your estate (or assets) will be distributed according to the Intestate Succession Act (Singapore).

How does the Intestate Succession Act work?

There are in fact nine “rules” in the act, which I hereby simplify (Caution - check with your lawyer to be sure):

1. If you die and leave behind a surviving spouse, no child and no parent, your spouse will get your entire estate.

2. If you die and leave behind a surviving spouse and children, your spouse will get half of your estate.

3. The remaining half will be distributed equally among your children.

4. If you die and leave behind a surviving spouse, no child, but a parent or parents, your spouse will get half of your estate and your parent(s) will get the other half of the estate.

5. If there are two parents, they each get their entitlement in equal portions.

6. If there are no surviving spouse, descendants or parents, your surviving siblings and children of deceased siblings will share your estate in equal portions.

7. If there are no surviving spouse, descendants, parents, siblings or children of siblings, your grandparents will receive your estate in equal portions.

8. Otherwise, your uncles and aunts will share your estate in equal portions.

9. If there are no uncles and aunts, the government will receive your estate in full.

If you do not want your estate to be distributed according to the above rules, just make sure you write a will!

Start writing one now, consult any lawyers on how to write a will.

(Information extracted from SalarySg)

3 Macro Voice(s):

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. i got no property yet.
Guess its too early for me eh?

Falcon said...

You know what i was just studyin this earlier...de ja vu...

I'm from malaysia and our law is slightly different...if there is a apouse and and children...Children get 2/3 while spouse gets a 1/3

If there is spouse,children and parents...Children get 1/2 while, spouse and parents get a quarter

consider this as my revision..lol...nice post...u doin law also??

Sharon Q. said...

gd info!

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